Follow our tips below for a safe and incident free riding experience. Happy biking! Use your head! Wear a helmet and you can reduce your risk of injury by 85%! Signal! Use hand signals when turning, as a matter of law, courtesy, and safety. Keep straight! Ride single-file and in a straight line. Do NOT weave between cars! Stop! Cyclists must STOP at stop signs, and obey all traffic signs and signals. Be bright at night! A white headlight and red rear light or reflector is required at night. Lock up! Lock your bike around the frame and through both wheels with a quality U-lock. More Smart Cycling Tips ► Bike Norfolk Transportation & Parking Services Home Parking Student Parking Faculty/Staff Parking Text Alert System Event Parking Disability Parking Restricted Parking Parking Enforcement Motorcycle Parking Vendor/Contractor Parking Local Tolls & E-ZPass Garages Transportation Monarch Transit SAFE RIDE Public Transit Bicycling Crosswalks Sustainable Options Traffix Carpool Program Lime E-Scooters Advisory Committee News Visitor Info Notice! All on-campus parking requires a valid ODU Parking Permit or hourly parking payment ODU Parking Portal Campus Map Contact Transportation & Parking Services 4310 Elkhorn Ave Norfolk, VA, 23508 757-683-4004 office 757-683-3194 fax Directory M-TH 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fri 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. ODU Transportation & Parking Services Facebook ODU Transportation & Parking Services Instagram ODU Transportation & Parking Services Twitter ODU Transportation & Parking Services YouTube Quick Links Parking Regulations Freshman Resident Parking Parking Garages FAQs